IMPART PICTURES...campaigning to stop child abuse

Impact Reviews

***** ‘Great film on how sexual abuse in children affects every aspect of their lives. As a victim of CSA, I declare this short film to be quite accurate, this is a growing issue that must be addressed ASAP. Thanks for bringing Awareness to it’ - Sarah Choujounian

***** ‘The video is a tough watch, but is a really well put together film that really focuses on the consequences of this crime. Its message is loud and clear: abuse ruins children's lives. Just as the case for many victims, there is no happy ending: she didn't disclose to the well-intentioned youth worker, and she didn't get her sentence reduced for trying to kill the grandad. It's powerful stuff and rams home why organisations such as ourselves simply have to exist. We think it's a very brave and powerful insight into the lives of who knows how many children' - Nicci Robinson, CEO of S.H.E. UK - Supporting, Healing, Educating

***** 'As Gaslighting tells us, 1 in 6 children have been sexually abused by the age of 17. Horrifyingly, much of this abuse goes on under our noses. 'Gaslighting' is an intense, powerful and beautifully performed film.’Anonymous

***** 'The silence around sexual violence is a prison full of horrors for the child. Brooke is a reflection of the lived experience of 1000’s of children each day. This film pulls no punches. Please watch and review this campaign.' - Bob

***** ‘Thank you for making this film which in a short time conveys the shocking reality of so many children's lives. Most people in society prefer to not see what is happening around them. This deliberate myopia does not help and ends up making the vulnerable even more vulnerable. It needs to change and it needs to happen now. Open your eyes and look. This film helps us to do that’. - Ian Elliott 

***** ‘Choked by silence and shame, the victim is often powerless to find a way out. Silence is deafening. The victim believes she or he is to blame and deserves to be mistreated by their abuser.’ - Donald Gribbs

***** ‘If this film made you cringe, cover your eyes, gasp or even cry then you are one of the good ones.’ - Vennie Kocsis

***** ‘This film (Gaslighting) may make others aware of the signs why these poor innocent children are acting out. I hope that this film is shown in schools, maybe movie theatres before the major movie are shown. It is uncomfortable but turning our heads the other way is only leaving our children at risk! We can't afford to bury our heads in the sand any longer!’ - Jan

***** ‘Gripping the reality of what DOES actually happen! The reality of what really does go on in our very sick society, I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and I can say that this does happen, in fact on my estate that I grew up on in England, the local paedophile worked with youth in the local youth club, and yet most people knew he was a sex pest, he had been in prison I don't know how many times, for having under age sex with very, very young girls. We must fight as a worldwide society, to bring down the perpetrators, it is the silence of this world, that allows this to happen, where as if we come together in voice, hopefully we will bring the numbers down, as well as the culprits themselves! Let’s work to#stopchildabuse PERIOD!’ - Nicola Cole

***** 'As a survivor of sexual abuse, I can assure you that this ripping of innocence shatters the very core of a child. I am a firm supporter of anyone working with children being required to go through an intensive course on recognizing the signs of child abuse. GASLIGHTING should be added to the list of required viewing.' - @VennieKocsis

***** ‘Like being hit in the stomach! As a former victim of abuse along with my three children and my grandson, this abuse needs a light shined on it. It took me three tries to watch it through but I did it for my loved ones. I still have three granddaughters that I hope have never suffered from this type of ab I talked openly about the subject to my children and grandson, it still happened to all of them. But it was me they told, I never spoke of the abuse I suffered until I was in my 30s. I got them into counselling right away and highlighted it was not their fault. That is the take away for me, they told me what had happened! They felt safe to tell me something that was so humiliating. I have to believe it was my talks with them that made them feel comfortable in saying something. This film may make others aware of the signs why these poor innocent children are acting out. I hope that this film is shown in schools, maybe movie theatres before the major movie are shown. It is uncomfortable but turning our heads the other way is only leaving our children at risk! We can't afford to bury our heads in the sand any longer!' - Jan 

***** ‘Touched & grasped the truth! - As a CSA survivor I was stunned as I watched this film - I felt heard. This film gets to the truth of what happens’ - Debbie Jones

***** ‘If you cringed, you're one of the good ones. If this film made you cringe, cover your eyes, gasp or even cry then you are one of the good ones. This movie is a raw depiction about how the system, parents, teachers and caregivers continually fail children who have been abused. I am a survivor of sexual abuse havinggrown up in a cult in America. Sexual abuse shatters the very core of a child. I am a firm supporter of anyone who works with children being required to go through an intensive course on recognizing the signs of sex abuse in children. Anger is not a base emotion. Pain is. Anger is the projection of that emotion. GASLIGHTING is a perfect example of what society must face in order to bring about change in our world. We cannot ignore the horrors that are being wrought upon the most innocent of Earth's inhabitants. These children deserve to have a safe space. Children deserve care, love and protection. I hope that you walk away from this film realizing; that teenager you can't stand, who you think is so horrible, is most likely in even more horrible pain. Beneath their sullen silence, the lashing out, the self-harm and inability to communicate, is a child needing someone to help them know how to handle it and cope through it. We must support them. Thank you for making this film. Thank you for caring. I am a child advocate, proudly and vulnerably telling my sex abuse story. I appreciate you for this work. We need you.' - Vennie Kocsis

***** ‘Touched and grasped the truth. As a CSA survivor I was stunned as I watched this film - I felt heard. This film gets to the truth of what happens.' - Debbie Jones 

***** ‘A victim-cantered view of the devastating, unravelling spiral of Gaslighting and Abuse! In this film, Brooke has lost her innocence, her childhood, and exists in a hyper-vigilant state of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Blame is placed squarely on the shoulders of the victim. Given no support, help, or understanding, she takes matters into her own hands, trying to claw her way out of the cellar of her abuse, while just trying her best to survive another day.’ - Donald Cribbs 

***** ‘For many, awareness is clearly lacking. Brooke's parents, the community, the authorities all appear at a loss to understanding and providing the support Brooke so desperately needs. The causal root appears to be unknown by all, likely including Brooke, who may include herself in the blaming, a direct result of GASLIGHTING by her abuser, and additionally or secondarily from others who are enabling the gaslighting and the abuse to continue. Choked by silence and shame, the victim is often powerless to find a way out. Silence is deafening. The victim believes she or he is to blame and deserves to be mistreated by their abuser. The abuser grooms his or her victims, enlisting the tool of gaslighting to make the victim doubt his or her own senses, awareness, and experience to inform them that what is happening is wrong, and they should speak up to get help. All too often, the opposite is true: Gaslighting and grooming effectively silence the victim, along with the added shame and guilt for being a party to the abuse.’ - Anonymous

***** ‘Children aren’t born ‘troublemakers’: children see and children do. All too often the perception of youth offenders is that they’re ‘troublemakers’ with a lack of respect for authority and society. But children aren’t born ‘troublemakers’: children see and children do. When a child is behaving in ways which contravene society’s views of what is ‘normal’ or they are lashing out at the world, we need to turn our attention away from the behaviour and towards the possible causes. All too often the parent is the first person to be blamed, but as you see in this film, sometimes the parent is as blind to the cause as the authorities. Sometimes the parent is all too aware of the cause, but is powerless to prevent it reoccurring, despite their best efforts.This film places you directly in Brooke’s shoes and connects you with her world and how she sees it. In a world where she has no power and her voice is lost, she takes action in the only way she can see how.’ - Gill Gibbons, CEO, Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace) 

***** ‘Shocking in a film and so much worse in real life! Thank you for making this film which in a short time conveys the shocking reality of so many children's lives. Most people in society prefer to not see what is happening around them. This deliberate myopia does not help and ends up making the vulnerable even more vulnerable. It needs to change and it needs to happen now. Open your eyes and look. This film helps us to do that’. - Ian Elliott 

***** ‘Blaming the victims of childhood sexual abuse is a cultural fault-line running though society. Gaslighting, takes us on an authentic journey - capturing the reality of the lived experiences of a working class sexually abused child. Intelligence isn’t owned by one class. In this case the young girl can’t articulate the ‘unspeakable’ to escape her nightmare and find other creative, if negative ways to tell. She is trapped in the nightmare but not defeated by it and seeks agency at every opportunity. As she not only endures sexual violence herself, but has to watch others being groomed around her.  The silence around sexual violence is a prison full of horrors for the child often - beyond their own personal abuse. Brook is a reflection of the lived experience of 1000’s of children each day. This film pulls no punches. Delivered by professional actors you can smell the dog shit on the back lawn. Anyone who has visited or lived in such environments will know it’s an authentic world being shown. The film feels very working class and makes no apologies for that in its story-telling. It will be triggering for many. However, its insights should be seen widely by both the public and professionals across all disciplines. Brook speaks to us all of the need to light a fire of hope for such children. We need to stop asking what's wrong with them and instead ask what is or has happened to them.’Anonymous

***** ‘Important and powerful. One of the things which comes across time and time again working with survivors of childhood abuse/childhood sexual exploitation is that victims and survivors are so often not heard, and not understood. The nuance and complexity of their stories can be lost in narratives which comfort wider society but leave victims alone and unsupported. This powerful, and very moving film deserves to go viral; it would be an ideal educational tool for those who work with young people, and those who work with adult survivors. In going beyond the simplistic assumptions and narratives it allows us to enter in a world which many prefer to believe does not exist. I must also commend the actors in the film, who manage to capture the heart-breaking emotions which are the reality for so many.’ - Karen Pollock

***** 'This was so disturbing to watch... Also, because I lived in Thanet from 1994-2001...being so familiar with the place and the locations where this was filmed...But, the story is universal and so well told here... This film deserves to be at the top of the list for everyone involved... Lawyers, doctors, social workers, teachers, prison staff... And the general public... Because we are all involved, everyone is affected by CSA, indirectly / directly. May this film get the exposure that it deserves... And may it achieve its aim. Very powerful.’ - Chris 

***** 'A dose of reality... (may trigger). Poignant film which I found to be moving, a stark reminder of how openly abusers are able to groom their communities into accepting abuse as a norm and how easily the system reinforces the ' I'm told I am bad, I feel bad, I must be bad, so I might as well just be bad' mentality which so many Survivors of abuse know only too well. Having experienced every part of this story in my life, I found it emotive and realistic. Thanks.' - Nigel O'Mara 

***** ‘Powerful and sad truth of abuse. This is sad and heart breaking to see these things being common in our world. We must educate the world of such sad truths and fight against it to keep it from happening to anyone else. Too many times these things happen and too many times nothing is done. We much stand together and end this nightmare for so many children that are being abused. In the knowledge of these crimes being known to all and how to fight from being a victim can help lower the number down. Only if we stand together to raise our voice as one can real change be made to end the abuse.’John Harvey 

***** 'This film is harrowing and necessary. Many people never think of even the possibility of such a crime being committed by anyone they know yet it's common and hidden. For victims, other adults often know such as the mother in the case of the father abusing-yet don't speak up or worse even blame the child. Mandatory reporting is needed urgently and teaching children about body safety in school from a young age. Dire poverty makes children more vulnerable targets -something compounded by poor education and DV-all of which are being made worse by Tory govt. This film should be broadly distributed.' - CSA awareness and mandatory reporting’ - Bridget Heelan

***** ‘Doesn't pull any punches! This was harrowing to watch but even more harrowing to think that this is happening right now to young people somewhere - maybe everywhere.' - Elaine 

***** How a 'justice' system can add so much harm to damaged lives... This film is not for the faint-hearted. But nor is the reality of sexual and physical abuse and family dysfunction. And for so many kids in the youth justice system, this is their reality. This film offers a brilliant, heart-breaking, non-sensationalist window into how abuse leads kids into crime and criminalisation. And how our 'justice' system can end up adding harm to already deeply damaged and traumatised children and families' lives. Such injustice... I will be using this film with my Criminology students (with the required caveats, of course) to let them see and understand the link between abuse and crime, which is easily abstracted or understood intellectually, but rarely deeply felt. If it were, how could such injustice continue?- Diana Johns 

***** 'Wow! Wakeup call! This was so poignant and relevant about the realities of CSA. I find it really sad that even now we're failing as families, communities, social systems. I grew up in the 80's and it took me so long to say something because I grew up in a Muslim, Pakistani home. The film made me realise abuse doesn't have a race or religion. I really hope that the present gets better with action and not alone empathy. It's disappointing to be reminded that abuse goes unnoticed or ignored even when we have more awareness. Congratulations on your work and bold move towards social change. Thank you for the courage to not hide the truth.A must watch. Childhood trauma can have dire consequences if not supported.' - Naila Amin 

***** ‘Hard Hitting! Great short film. Very moving. This needs to be shared on all social platforms. I am sure this short film will receive the attention it deserves and is capable of producing it's intended result!' - Jon Hall 

***** ‘Hard hitting. Very uncomfortable to it should be. This film needed to be made, and how well made it is. CSA is far too often ignored and this needs to change to protect our children and their children... Abused children carry this for life and it can affect everything! Abused children are often forgotten when they turn into adults and it doesn't ever just go away. Thank you to everyone involved with making this film and everything surrounding it.' - Kelly 

***** ‘Brutal but well done. The video made for very uncomfortable viewing, which was 100% as it should be. I felt like I'd been punched in the throat watching it, and the subject matter was shown unflinchingly. CSA and domestic abuse are brutal, uncompromising acts that impact hugely on children's lives. All too often this leads to offending, drug/alcohol misuse and other behaviours that ultimately cause more damage. The fact that it's shown in such a raw uncompromising way really shines a light on the subject matter & puts it out there. Well done to all involved.' Sharon Frame

***** ‘Two thumbs up. Great film on how sexual abuse in children affects every aspect of their lives. As a victim of CSA, I declare this short film to be quite accurate, this is a growing issue that must be addressed ASAP.Thanks for bringing Awareness to it.' - Sarah Choujounian

***** ‘We try to ignore… Great analysis of how society can be, too many of us ignore it, continue that way it'll only get worse. We need to address it; this film gives an insight into it and provides inspiration to tackle it.' - Mark

***** ‘Reality is just a moment away! Just finished watching! Your very powerful short but well-made documentary! I will watch again tomorrow with a less cloudy mind! & more focus. although I think you have captured how things are form many young girls & boys for that matter, across many towns & cities throughout the country! they were called kiddy fiddlers in the 60's 70's its has been around from the down of time! & if parliament don't do something soon, they will be toast alive by miffed off people! It felt very uncomfortable to watch; gritty & real. Very well put together I hope a lot more people see it especially councils’ social services politicians. All of which appeared to get it so wrong in so many ways they were no longer helping kids but hurting them by ignorance, things must change. We have reached a watershed moment a something must be done at the highest levels.' - Trent 

***** 'Very, very disturbing. Very, very important. Incredibly well put together and a difficult watch. Sadly, most who watch this will already have been affected by CSA/CSE/Gaslighting etc and are likely to be direct survivors. Those that NEED to watch and understand it will not be bothered - easier to sweep this kind of thing under the carpet. - JB 

***** 'An excellent production that won't get the coverage it deserves' - Stuart Brown 

***** ‘Disturbing reality of modern-day Britain. The scary thing about Gaslighting is the fact that child abuse (CSE) is happening all over Britain on a mass scale, in the home abuse, and street grooming gangs, yet so little is done to tackle this horrific growing problem destroying the lives of so many. As the film highlights, police, the courts and social care all totally fail these victims, and are not trained to recognise the signs to intervene in time to stop the abuse. The problem has been getting worse for decades, and scarily seems to almost be accepted now which is outrageous because tackling child abuse should be a number one priority for everyone from the government down. The courts and the sentencing also need to change, the victims should never be treated as criminals, they are victims! Gaslighting is a powerful film on a subject that everyone in Britain needs to be aware of.’ - Ash

***** ‘The film was difficult to watch, but the awareness level to child abuse and neglect, projects throughout the movie. Definitely well done.’ - Fulshear Police - USA 

***** ‘Gaslighting speaks to the fundamental structural problems which depict a failed system where far too often girls are caught in the matrix of institutional atrocities and become collateral damage. The cries of indigent girls are often silenced. The film speaks volumes to the overarching themes of systemic abuse, state violence, and gender inequity whenever poverty prevails.What is more troubling, is how we expect a child to navigate several collapsed institutions at one time without becoming a martyr within their communities. Brooke setting the house on fire metaphorically speaks to her life experiences. The fire embers in Brooke's life were full steam ahead before the film progressed but we only bare witness to the fire. Far too often the fate of girls is perforated by institutional systems that have caused egregious damage. We have to begin to question can institutions protect and serve as they were designed, without deepening harms. Until we take the covers off the implicit biases girls will continue to be shackled while silently hanging in the balance.’ - Incarcerated Nation 

***** 'In order to raise awareness it is sometimes necessary to highlight first the process of abuse, as sickening as it is, unfortunately there is a darkness we all avoid thinking about this film delves into that darkness and not only gives light to the problem at a systemic level, but also at the core of a family ignoring the obvious these two failures happen all too often, I grew up in the system watching in disgust at its complete lack of vision to the obvious. This film really does highlight our country's darkest and most shameful failing. Change is long overdue' - Wayne Ferguson 

***** ‘I watched this movie with tears in my eyes. So very powerful and eye opening! My mission in life is to bring awareness to the community about abuse, it's a silent epidemic that goes on behind closed doors. It's every child's God given right to be loved and nurtured by their care givers but sadly dysfunction breeds dysfunction and unless changes are made, I can only see darkness for the future generations. It's like a rinse and repeat cycle. I'm also the adult child of an alcoholic and an unemotionally unavailable mother but realise both parents are sadly also victims of childhood wounding. There's a phrase, "the elephant in the living room", which purports to describe what it's like to live with a drug addict, an alcoholic, an abuser. People outside such relationships will sometimes ask, "How could you let such a business go on for so many years? Didn't you see the elephant in the living room?" And it's so hard for anyone living in a more normal situation to understand the answer that comes closest to the truth; "I'm sorry, but it was there when I moved in. I didn't know it was an elephant; I thought it was part of the furniture." There comes an aha-moment for some folks - the lucky ones - when they suddenly recognize the difference. Well done Gaslighting Campaign and all involved’. - Susan Brunt 

***** ‘Depressing, shocking, harrowing but very necessary! I work with people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. Whilst inevitably, being a short film, some of it was a bit simplistic, the feel is true to what clients tell me. It is well crafted and well-acted and very credible. I'd like to think that it can change attitudes and help people see the real horror of what, as the film says, is experienced by one in six children. I also think that the fact that it includes recognisable/ well-known actors will enhance its credibility. Too many people don't want to believe that this happens and is relatively common place. thank you’. - Carol Kay 

***** ‘Very moving and true to life. As a senior member of NSN the scenes in this film I come across many survivors that have experiences depicted. It's sadly true that so many are unable to disclose and it destroys lives. We are finding that some of our members are only starting to talk about what has happened to them in much later stages of their lives. This film should be available to many people in the hope will encourage to be talked about. Hopefully more to come forwards.’ - Stephen Armstrong-Smith, Director,National Survivors Network 

***** 'The film is shocking and heart-breaking. We are unsure of how to put our response into words, except that it brings all emotion to the surface, leaving you silent. While it is known that these issues exist, watching the scenarios in a film make you realise just how serious it is. The problem is real and something needs to be done to prevent these children living such a life. It's important we focus on the cause of the issue, not the child them self. Their behaviour is often a response to what they have experienced - how else can they react if they believe nobody is there to save them? The Gaslighting film will stun and shock, but it is a film we recommend everyone watch. Unfortunately, it is not only a fictional story - it is real, it is happening and things need to change.' - Ellen Hoggard, Counselling Directory

***** ‘A realistic representation of CSA. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and rape. This is a difficult film to watch but it is very important for us all to see the reality of this kind of abuse, even if it makes us uncomfortable. This film makes a powerful statement of how childhood sexual abuse can negatively affect children who experience it. It shows how the cycle continues even though other family members & community members do know or suspect the abuse but choose to ignore the signs. It accurately shows grooming behaviour, the shame and denial a child feels, the destructive path it can send a child down, enabling, gaslighting, and how the cycle continues with the relationship the mom has with her husband. She picked an abusive man, which often happens with survivors. Teachers, case workers, doctors, nurses and the general public as a whole need more education on how to spot the abuse. It is so important for these stories to be told. We need to educate our society about the pervasiveness of CSA. It is extremely difficult for children, teens and adult survivors to even tell one person what has happened to them. It took me until I was 47 to face the reality of what happened to me and the negative impact it had on my life and my health. I hope more films like this will be made. Thank you for making this film. - Carrie Belknap 

***** ‘Sad but True - I myself am a victim of gaslighting and childhood abuse. I found this short film to accurately depict the difficult position this child and her siblings are put into, and the parental behaviour from the mother and step dad was far too really hit home for me.’ - Sandee

***** 'Gaslighting is a savage piece of film making, with world class performances and production values. This is a subject matter that desperately needs to be brought to the public domain. I wholeheartedly endorse this film and it's production, and I hope other people support this incredibly brave and potentially life saving project' – Writer & Campaigner, Geoff Thompson

***** ‘5 stars - If We Look, We Might Just See! This truly reflects the abuse that has occurred over centuries and continues right now in our streets, towns, villages and cities as I write this review. I don't have words of my own but would like to quote both Spike Lee and Lenny Henry (although not his own quote) who say in their fight against racism "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem" and "if not us, then who? "if not now, then when?". This equally applies to the fight against the sexual abuse of children. We have eyes, ears and mouths, we need to use them, it is our duty to speak out and a child's right to be safe. Thank you for a very powerful film.' - Marilyn

***** Excellent portrayal of a difficult subject. So difficult watching this as I have daughters the same age as the young girls in this film. But just because a story isn't a nice one, doesn't mean it shouldn't be told. Education and awareness are key to prevention and safeguarding. Please keep up the good work - spread the message.’ - Kat 

***** ‘So Powerful! Watching this film was very difficult and emotional. I myself am a survivor so was able to have complete empathy in all forms. Some may believe that strangers only cause harm however it's really the people who are close and have regular access.The only way paedophiles/child abusers can do what they do is by playing games and winning the trust. Showing any love or care is only shown when the abuse is taking place. The scene of receiving money and then being abused can only cause brainwash because the young people then believes that they can get anything if they give their body. This then leads to prostitution even at a young age. Drug/alcohol abuse is always the highest forms of coping methods. When a young person is acting up in school, the teachers and other students only comment on what they want to see and not on what they cannot see. We shouldn't blame them because such subjects need to be spoken about much more and teachers need much more training to know how to safeguard and what they need to be aware of their student’s wellbeing. For a young person to cause arson should raise BIG questions because unless a young person has been taught crime or in this case abused where they want to get rid of the place, any other reason will only cause a distraction of the actual reasons. How can a young person be helped if the actual reasons are not identified? Self-harm and suicide become another nightmare... Thank you for making such a powerful short film. I felt the pain.’ - Shikesh 

***** ‘This powerful film doesn't pull any punches. Just like the stepfather I lived with for many years and who used me for gratification of many kinds. I totally empathise with the girl at the end of the film - saying nothing as she is blamed for what are seen as her offences, when the offence has really been that nobody loved her properly. Nobody cared for her properly. Nobody noticed her and the daily hell she was living. In my own case, I didn't get into trouble at school, I was a model pupil and tried to keep my head down. But this film demonstrates how even when children display so many signs of abuse in their behaviour, a combination of pervasive social ills, lethargy, misery, and the victim-blaming culture existing within the court system leave them to endure their fate. Even if schools spot the signs, without family support, relocation, effective retributive justice and belief in children, not enough is done. This film gave me flashbacks to some of the worst parts of my childhood, but it also reminded me of scenes in the lives of many children now, right now, today. It is vital for all of us, not just governments and social workers, to see it, spot it and stop it.’ - Daisy

***** ‘As a male survivor of sexual abuse and rape at twelve by both male and female perpetrators it was a hard watch, even though I now work in the field supporting and advocating for male survivors in New Zealand. It would be good to see the stats for male victims at the end other-wise people assume it is only female victims and our voice is once again silenced. Well done on a brave and much needed movie.’ - Ken Clearwater 

***** Heart wrenching! This movie was very difficult to watch, but this is what it is going to take to bring awareness to child abuse and neglect. A lot of people would like to turn their heads and ignore how often this happens. Abuse is a nasty cycle that will be repeated over and over until people receive the care they need or someone intervenes. This is a great eye opener that will help survivors and also people who are not familiar with abuse patterns. Thank you for bringing awareness.’ - Shanna 

***** ‘Profound understanding of child abuse - sexual exploitation of youngsters.More needs to be understood about grooming of children/young people. Easy to understand and follow, not too triggering for Survivors to watch (which is good.)Educational and appropriate for age 10+ to watch. This short film can be used in wide range of education from schools to probation officers. Rape crisis would be interested in using this in training of new volunteers, including child-line NSPCC Parent-line etc. I congratulate you all for your hard work and I will keep sharing. Thank you.’ – Anonymous

***** ‘I was put into a children's home at 3 years old because my parents died. I am now a professional 60-year-old, this is one of many reasons why I am using an alias. No one, not even my 3 daughters know of my early years.Watching this film made me feel such deep sadness and despair my heart actually ached with pain. I was watching parts of my life. Knowing what I know about being a victim of abuse as a vulnerable person, and seeing it happen on screen was so heart breaking, I know that you are not believed, if Brook had said anything she would not have been believed. Vulnerable children are treated in my experience as lower than second class citizens. Almost as if they have put themselves in that position. As a child I realised that the only way out of the position I was in was to be moved from the children's home or foster care, wherever I was being abused, was to do something so awful that I was moved. Sometimes it was a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire, but I could always get myself arrested, or do something outrageous again to prompt another move. This film is brilliant in its honest heart wrenching awfulness. I am so thankful to all the Gaslighting team for their hard work and bravery, I can only guess at how hard this film was to achieve.’ - 'Sara' 

***** 'Fantastic job on the film. What amazing little actors. So hard hitting and really effective in deepening understanding especially of the wider environmental issues. Hard stuff and should be mandatory to watch for people who could see the signs'. - Roy Millard - Partnership Manager, South East Strategic Partnership for Migration

***** ‘This is happening. I'm still mentally traumatised, and that's no damn understatement. We live in a society where, on the surface, we like to believe things like this don't exist. Amazingly hit me in the face and made me feel ashamed.' - Saffy 

***** 'I find it incredible that in practically a matter of days we as a society can go from compassion and patience towards a vulnerable and disadvantaged child to disgust, anger or impatience towards difficult or offending teens and young adults. The drug addict on the street so easy to detest, the middle-aged woman that just won't get a grip and recover from mental illness, the rude disruptive pupil, the prostitute on our street. No one chooses freely to be unhappy. To be in and out of prison. To be trapped in the mental health system. To be addicted to drugs. Yet far too often we blame rather than empathise. We judge rather than understand. And we turn our backs rather than ask why. This film I think portrays that beautifully. A clearly intelligent and obviously disadvantaged young woman is always getting in trouble and no one bothers to ask - why? And she inevitably falls through the huge cracks. Something that we have learned through our own work at 18U is that children and young people are often waiting for the right person to ask. To say the right words to enable them to disclose what is happening. But far too often nobody does and the child doesn't tell until well into adulthood. Offering a confidential service can be what it takes to empower young people to talk. But sometimes it just takes enough understanding to ask. I think this film might just ignite the spark of empathy in some people. Might raise just enough awareness for a person to open their eyes and look at the whole picture rather than the broken window. And might just push the right person to ask why at just the right moment. I think every teacher and social worker should watch this film. Well done to all involved and thank you for sending out sparks' - Keiran Watson, Eighteen and Under