IMPART PICTURES...campaigning to stop child abuse

Survivors UK

Services for adult male survivors of sexual abuse/violation.
Sovereign Court, London
Tel. 02035983898


'I was so moved by this film that I am afraid I find it hard to compress my reaction into only a few words. The rational response to such a disturbing film is one of shocked silence which is supplanted by a sense of despair and hopelessness - how did this happen, why was there no earlier intervention or even questioning of what might have been going on? Therein lies the anger and tears that in a so-called civilised society such abuse goes unremarked, children have their childhood stolen forever and lie condemned to suffer and react without the understanding of that society. The perpetrators remain to offend again. The children's lives have been ruined before they have begun. That is the scandal. As a barrister my spine chilled as the sentence was delivered - justice indeed, sometimes is blind but, appallingly, through incomprehension rather than disinterest. This must be a call to all to combine to end the unknowing and the consequent harm. This is an infliction of pain surely too great to bear any longer. That must be the hope for the future' - Keith Best, Chief Executive of Survivors UK