IMPART PICTURES...campaigning to stop child abuse



‘When a person has a compulsion to engage in a rewarding non-substance related behaviour, even if that behaviour causes negative impacts to their financial, physical, emotional or mental wellbeing – it is called a behavioural or process addiction. Researchers have found that the chemicals released in the brain when people use drugs or alcohol are the same found in those who get ‘high’ when they do certain activities repetitively. As well as an increase of dopamine, a central neurotransmitter released in anticipation of rewarding experiences such as those involving sex or food. For people who are socially awkward or suffer emotional issues, the internet can be a place of solace and comfort. When those people spend the majority of their waking hours playing computer games or creating virtual worlds – they are likely to have a behavioural addiction. ‘- The Dawn Rehab


‘A shame-based addict feels flawed and defective in their very being. To feel that way is to feel hopeless. This awful sense of humiliation pushes the addiction into hiding and forces them to find a false self to cover up. This hiding is so crucial, since the wound of toxic shame happens because the shamed person was uncovered and defenceless with each wound of being shamed. The hiding and cover up constitute the essence of the addict’s core pathology - the denial. Their addiction is an attempt to mood alter (block out) their "being shame", their shame based identity.' - The Role of Shame in Addiction, by John Bradshaw


‘Denial psychology is built around understanding denial as a coping mechanism, along with the way it impacts us and our relationships. Denial psychology is a defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality. When it comes to protecting ourselves psychologically, defense mechanisms provide an unconscious way to prevent unacceptable thoughts or feelings from making us overwhelmingly anxious. This process often means that we're trying to protect ourselves from feelings of shame or guilt, although these defense mechanisms can also arise when we feel threatened.’ - What is Denial Psychology & How to Address it, by Mary Elizabeth Dean


‘The transgressor and the victim(s) of that transgression are two sides of the same coin. Sincere acts of atonement, making amends, are necessary for the healing of the transgressor. These acts of atonement have the potential to bring healing as well to the victim(s), but only if they are able to activate their deep capacity for forgiveness. Forgiveness, like atonement, is an active process, one that demands empathy and compassion and, ultimately, the ability to overlook the transgression.’ - Dr. Dave Van, Beyond Forgiveness: Reflections on Atonement